Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Getting Started

So, I've been thinking lately. Every time I travel, I see more people traveling with their dogs; usually small and fluffy but sometimes a little larger. I'm seeing more pet toys and items in the stores sold to pet owners. Even Publix has a sign outside of its store promoting its new pet specific website. People are LOVING their pets lately and that love seems to keep growing.  Now, that's a great thing for me as a veterinarian. It usually translates into owners providing higher quality care for their "loved-ones." So, with this movement of increasing human-pet bond, I decided to jump on the wave and share my insider experiences.

During my daily routine as a small animal (predominately cats and dogs) veterinarian, I get to experience some pretty cool stuff.  I get to see some pretty awesome medical cases, which isn't always best for the patient, but that can be educational for other pet owners. I get to bond with pet owners and become a part of their lives. And I get to be creative and learn something new almost every day. There are fun times and sad times, but I think that many pet lovers will find these experiences enlightening and interesting. I hear a lot, "I always wanted to be a vet, but I just never did it." Well, join me in my adventure and enjoy the ride with me along the way.

*** Disclaimer:  Even though I may share cases or experiences from my work, I will never disclose the true identities of my patients or clients.  I  will change any aspect as necessary to maintain anonymity for my patients and clients. However, this will NOT take way from the excitement of the story or the power in the educational lesson. ***


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